Technical support
Translate our content
We are currently working on translating all our courses from Dutch to Engli...
Report system error or submit feedback
The learning platform has been designed with the utmost care and is continu...
Install Read Aloud extension on Google Chrome
To have the content of our learning programs read aloud, you can use a Goog...
Installing a Dyslexia extension
If you have dyslexia, it can be frustrating and exhausting to read texts fo...
Deleting cookies
Technical issues can often be resolved by clearing the cookies from your br...
Opening an incognito window
It may happen that the support department asks you to open an incognito win...
Save online article as PDF
You can always access our articles on our online support page. However, we ...
Report system error or submit feedback
A system error prevents me from continuing my work. What can I do? Is a but...
Problems logging in
In case you encounter any (technical) problems while using the learning pla...
Print online article from browser
You can always access our articles on our online support page. However, we ...