For coaches
Here you read everything about the functionalities in the coach panel.
Course details
As a coach, you will always see the title of the course on the course tile....
Enrolling in a course - coaches
The first thing you see when you've just created an account with coaching r...
Starting as a coach
When you want to start with the MBO Amersfoort Academy as a coach, you need...
Coach participants
Group assignments - coaches
On the platform, participants may need to submit group assignments. You can...
Transfering participants
It may happen that participants assigned to you need to be transferred to a...
Course completion (coaches)
Some courses on the platform are concluded with an exam, but this is not al...
Adding (and removing) assistant coaches
There is a function in the platform that allows you to add an assistant coa...
Mentorship - coaches
Participants can choose different coaches for different courses. Additiona...
Archiving participants
Are there participants in your list who have already completed their course...
Customize a learning program
Working with different learning sets
A learning set is a collection of assignments that the participants need to...
Quizzes (coaches and admins)
The platform provides the opportunity to tailor a learning program to your ...
Content templates
When you customize a personal learning set, you can use content templates ...
Choosing a layout for your learning set
As an admin, when creating your own learning set, you can choose between tw...
Editing learning routes
As a coach, you can choose to edit the learning path of a learning program....
Personalizing learning sets
On the learning platform, participants can follow courses that have been ca...
The exam
The sample check
Before a participant starts the exam, as their coach you check a randomly g...
Downloading exam files
Students' exam assignments can be assessed using the documents that can be ...
Releasing the exam
We offer an exam for most learning programs. All our exams are developed by...
Grading the exam
As soon as the student has submitted an exam file, you can see the submitte...